


健康風險評估 Health Risk Assessment (HRA)
健康風險評估(Health Risk Assessment, HRA),亦稱為健康危害評估(Health Hazard Assessment),健康風險評估HRA一詞,最早可以追溯到1980年代由美國疾病管制局所公布的一項健康管理指南,自此後許多已開發歐洲國家開始把健康風險評估列入公共政策項目執行。

Health Risk Assessment (HRA) is also called Health Hazard Assessment. The original concept of the HRA can be traced back to 1980, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a publicly available version, that the HRA also became widely used in modern countries in Europe.


公司企業數據服務 Services for employers and organizations
除個人反饋外,Trust TM 還可用於為雇主和組織機構提供匯總數據報告。報告將可提供成員的健康數據、出勤與成本效益之間的關係。通過控制疾病風險、增益醫療保健福利,減少缺勤與生產力的增加。

In addition to individual feedback, Trust TM are also used to provide aggregated data reporting for employers and organizations. These reports include data of health risk and often include cost projections and savings in terms of increased healthcare, absence and productivity. Trust TM can then be used to provide options by which organizations can target and monitor appropriate health interventions within their workforce.