


擁有專屬的健康護照 Owning personal Health Passport – Trust TM
一旦個人完成健康風險評估(Health Risk Assessment, HRA),將會收到一份來自 Trust TM 所釋出的一份專屬您的健康護照與資格,內容將詳細敘述健康評級或分數,多數的數據包含儀器參數數據、環境與心理壓力評估、膳食營養分析與健康風險等方面。該報告還可以提供有關個人如何通過改變生活方式來降低健康風險的建議。

Once an individual completes a HRA, they usually receive a report from instruments, detailing their health rating or score, often broken down into specific sub scores and areas such as stress, nutrition and risks. Our services can also provide recommendations on how individuals can reduce their health risks by changing their lifestyle.

健康護照 Health Passport – Trust TM

The health passport is an intelligent data evaluation plan, and the parameter records and medical record analysis of the health risk assessment are conducted under the guidance of a health manager. Provide exclusive health planning advice and health management services channels. Applied to the health promotion of individuals, families and institutions. To ensure compliance with health care guidelines and epidemiological risks in your area/country, health passports should be regularly assessed and analyzed to ensure that you are in a healthy state.


1. 填寫您的聯絡方式
2. 等待健康管理師與您聯繫
3. 進行生理數據量測與病歷資訊紀錄
4. 轉換生物識別數據進行健康風險與風險年齡評估
5. 打造專屬的個人健康管理計畫
6. 訂立目標與執行里程碑
7. 積極介入飲食選擇、生活型態、營養品輔助、疾病衛教與管理等
8. 維持您的管理計畫,定期追蹤
9. 享受您的健康人生

Build your health passport
1. Fill in your contact information
2. Wait for the health manager to contact you.
3. Perform physiological data measurement and medical record information
4. Convert biometric data for health risk and risk age assessment
5. Create an exclusive personal health management plan
6. Set goals and execution milestones
7. Active access to diet choices, lifestyles, nutritional supplements, disease education
and management, etc.
8. Maintain your management plan and track it regularly
9. Enjoy your healthy life